
How to Gain More Energy to Get Through the Day

Exhausted businessman passed out at workplace desk in office. Tired entrepreneur laying on his desk in front of laptop and notes. Fatigued office employee fell asleep during work hours. Too much work

If you are like most people, you are crawling out of bed and downing coffee like it’s water just to make it through the day. Living life half asleep is no way to live life. You deserve better, and energy really is attainable. Simply follow these three steps to feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all day long!

Exercise in the Morning

Contrary to what you may think, exercise doesn’t sap your energy–it fuels it. A morning workout pumps oxygen throughout all the cells in your body, filling you with energy. In addition to energizing your cells, an increase in oxygen levels helps your body work more efficiently. Exercise also boosts your cardiovascular system, allowing your heart to pump more life-giving blood with each beat. Finally, when you exercise you produce more mitochondria inside your muscles. As luck would have it, mitochondria are the parts of your cells that convert the food you eat into energy. Working out at any time will increase your energy levels, but morning workouts give you the increased benefit of higher energy levels throughout the day. 

Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

Instead of counting calories or yo-yo-ing back and forth from one restrictive diet to another, focus on filling up on nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient density is about packing the most vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and lean protein into the fewest calories possible. Natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains contain the most nutrients. Other nutrient-dense foods include nuts and seeds, beans, other legumes, and good sources of lean protein such as low-fat dairy, seafood, turkey breast, and eggs. 

Get Enough Quality Sleep

Your sleep is worth fighting for. And as you know, it can be a real struggle to get enough. Life tends to push back on your best intentions and efforts to get more sleep. Your best chances for getting enough quality sleep are to make it a priority and set your bedtime in stone. Remember that most adults need 8 hours of sleep or more every night to feel rested. To improve the quality of your sleep, begin winding down about an hour before bedtime. Turn off electronics and do something that relaxes you. 


You really can wake up refreshed and feel energized throughout the day. It isn’t easy, but it is simple. There is no need to overcomplicate things. Move your body in the morning to get your circulation going, eat nutrient-dense foods, and get enough sleep. This formula may seem over-simplistic, but give it a try. You will be amazed at how much more energy you have!

Check out this article on how to handle mental health issues besides medication!