
How to Make Sure Your Teeth Don’t Become Crowded Out

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your overall health is to focus on the health of your teeth. Your dental health, if it becomes bad, can lead to a lot of pain, discomfort, and other more serious issues. Follow these steps to make sure your teeth don’t become crowded out of your mouth.

Get Braces

Braces are one of the best ways to ensure that your teeth stay healthy and well aligned. If you believe your teeth could end up being misaligned or overcrowded, consider getting braces. Braces can help with a variety of dental issues, including your teeth crowding. Getting braces treatment can help your teeth permanently stay straight and aligned. These mechanisms attach to your teeth and are gently pulled to move your teeth into a better position. 

Remove Wisdom Teeth

Another way to make sure your teeth don’t become crowded out is to get your wisdom teeth removed as soon as you get old enough. Wisdom teeth are an extra set of canines that grow into the back of your mouth when you reach the age of 16 or 17. Because your mouth does not have room for these teeth, your other teeth can begin to crowd together. The extra crowding also makes it more difficult to clean in between these teeth. This makes it much more likely that you develop cavities and infections. As many as 70% of people have their wisdom teeth removed. The removal of these teeth should be done between the ages of 17 and 24 when these teeth are still growing. 

See a Dentist Regularly

As with any dental issue, you must see a dentist regularly to check on your tooth health. Taking great care of your teeth at home isn’t enough to ensure that they stay healthy and strong. Especially if your teeth are crowded, there will be spaces in your mouth that are difficult to clean. Dentists have tools that can more thoroughly clean your teeth and make sure you don’t get any more cavities or issues. If your teeth do start to crowd together, your dentist will be able to catch the issue before it becomes serious. Seeing a dentist every six months allows them to stay on top of your dental health.


There are many dental health issues that you should do your best to stay on top of. The health of your teeth is important to helping you be able to eat healthy and avoid infection. Take these steps to help you make sure your teeth don’t become crowded out.


Check out this article on how to repair a chipped tooth!