
How to Use an HSA for Beginners

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If you’re trying to learn about how to minimize your healthcare expenses, you’ve likely come across the term HSA. This is a medical financial aid option that can help you pay any medical expenses that may arise. However, it’s important to understand how HSAs work before investing in one. 

Save Your Money

In its essence, a health savings account (or HSA) is a separate financial account from which you can pay for various medical expenses. Having this resource can be massively helpful when you have to deal with medical emergencies or any expensive medical treatment. To establish an HSA, you need to regularly invest money into the account. Most people deposit a fixed portion of their income each month into this account, which makes it easier to keep track of. The more you contribute, the more you’ll have in case of medical needs. In other cases, your employer will do this for you, contributing a pre-tax portion of your paycheck to your HSA each month.

Spend Your Money

After you’ve built up a sum of money in your HSA, you’re free to start spending it as you’d like. However, your HSA is not an account to pay for any emergency expenses. All of your purchases through this account must be related to healthcare. Dental work counts as a qualified expense for an HSA or FSA. Other qualifying expenses include anything from doctor’s appointments to prescriptions to therapy sessions. The versatility of this account is part of what makes it so beneficial. Having this extra money set aside can help lessen the stress of these situations, and pay important costs that insurance doesn’t cover.

When Should I Open an HSA?

An HSA can be a great tool to help with various medical expenses. However, it’s not for anyone. To qualify for an HSA, you need to have a high-deductible insurance plan. An HSA is meant to help with your expenses when insurance doesn’t cover them, so a low deductible would make an HSA unnecessary. Sometimes, you won’t need to open an HSA for yourself. Often, your employer may provide an FSA for you and deposit some of your pre-tax income into the account. 

A health savings account can be a fantastic resource for any homeowner who struggles with healthcare costs. However, it’s important to learn how to take care of an HSA before opening one. Follow these tips to make the most of your HSA. 

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