Health and Fitness

The Most Damaging Habits Your Kids Need to Quit

Every kid develops small patterns and coping mechanisms when they’re young. The important part is identifying which of these habits might become problematic as they get older. Here are some of the most common and most damaging habits that your kids need to quit.

Teeth Grinding

The tricky thing about the constant, habitual grinding of teeth is that it often takes place while sleeping. As such, your child may not even be aware that they are doing it. If they do, in fact, grind their teeth while conscious – try and have a conversation with them about stopping. The way for you to find out if your child is grinding their teeth (as well as what you can do about it) is to talk to their dentist. Dentists will be able to spot the signs of a habitual teeth-grinder, and they will also have a list of possible methods for treating the behavior.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is very commonly seen in infants and shouldn’t be any real cause for alarm. If your child continues to suck their thumb as a toddler, you might want to start looking into the problem. This particular behavior can cause some medical complications if done too much and for too long. As a matter of fact, thumb sucking can result in damage to your child’s teeth. Again, conscious versus unconscious thumb-sucking are both distinct issues that should both be treated accordingly. Talk to a pediatrician for counsel on the best ways to prevent it. Some methods might be simple, home-grown techniques for breaking habits – like wrapping your child’s hand when it’s time for bed.


This is another common one that tends to develop a little later in life. While it can be found in toddlers, it also can be observed in young children, teens, and even some adults. Nail biting is certainly a habit that should be taken care of as soon as possible. Constant chewing can result in ingrown fingernails that bring with them sores, scabs, bleeding, and tenderness around the nail beds. In extreme cases, the nail might be so small and ingrown that it becomes painful to hold things. The internet is a great resource for understanding the best ways to combat this habit.

Some habits need to be nurtured in children – brushing their teeth, bathing properly, as well as saying ‘please,’ and ‘thank you.’ But you need to be on the lookout for those deceptively small habits that can become a medical issue later on. Your child probably won’t be able to stop on their own.

Check out this article on how to repair a chipped tooth!