Health and Fitness

What You Need to Maintain Bone Strength as You Get Older

There are a lot of great things that come with aging. Nevertheless, there is the unfortunate reality that aging tends to bring about decreases in bodily health and resilience. Therefore, it is essential that people start considering their bone health now so that they are less prone to injury in their old age. Here are three healthy practices that you should start implementing today so that your bones can be healthy and strong for years to come.


Exercise is one of the number one things you can do to maintain strong bones as you get older. And while exercise in general is always going to be beneficial, certain exercises tend to improve bone strength more than others. One such exercise includes resistance exercises. Resistance exercises can be done using one’s own body weight or an exercise tool (think resistance bands or free weights) as an opposing force to increase one’s strength and endurance. Adding these types of exercises into your exercise regime will greatly improve your overall bone strength and health.

Get Essential Nutrients

Nutrition is another extremely important facet in regard to bone health. Our bodies truly are what we put in them, and certain foods work to improve bone durability while others act to weaken them. Foods that weaken bones can include excessive amounts of alcohol, hydrogenated oils, and sugary beverages. According to Maccaro Pediatric Dentistry, calcium is essential for teeth and bones, which you can get from dairy or green vegetables. Furthermore, fortified whole grains and oily fish can also help to maintain bone strength.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

When doctors recommend maintaining a healthy weight for bone health, they not only mean to refrain from putting on excess weight, but also to refrain from becoming too thin. In fact, according to ISSA, not eating enough is one of the most common contributing factors to poor bone strength, especially in older people. Therefore, as you are improving your diet, be sure not to eat too little. Don’t adhere to any extreme diets; rather, moderation is always key.

One of the most common causes of injury and death in older individuals is falling. This is usually the case because their bones have been weakened due to old age, as well as a lack of healthy practices. Don’t allow this to be your fate. Prepare your body to stay strong well into your old age by exercising, getting essential nutrients, and maintaining a healthy weight. Doing so will ensure that you can actually enjoy your retirement and continue doing the things you love to do.

Check out this article on why it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day!