Health and Fitness

Tools That Everyone Needs to Keep Their Teeth Clean

Healthy white smile close up. Beauty woman with perfect smile, lips and teeth. Beautiful Model Girl with perfect skin. Teeth whitening.

In regards to your dental health–as with any other aspect of your overall health–there are certain tools you need to keep your teeth and gums clean. By keeping your teeth and gums clean, you reduce the risk of painful, expensive health problems in the future. 

These three tools are the ones that you definitely need to keep your teeth clean.

A Good Brush

Perhaps the most important tool you should have to keep your teeth clean is a good-quality toothbrush. The best way you can keep your teeth strong and healthy is by brushing them twice a day. However, a bad quality toothbrush can make this be more harmful than good. For example, some toothbrushes have bristles that are too rough and strip away at your gum and enamel as you brush your teeth. 

Other toothbrushes, especially one that you’ve used for a long time, may be worn out and unable to get the bacteria off of your teeth. These older brushes can also be filled with bacteria and cause bad breath. Most dentists recommend an electric toothbrush for the most thorough clean possible.


Another essential tool for keeping up with your dental health is mouthwash. Mouthwash has a slew of benefits for your dental health. It’s best known for keeping your breath fresh throughout the day, but mouthwash can also get rid of food debris, fight gum disease, and whiten your teeth. 

Mouthwash helps kill bacteria in the hard-to-reach places between your teeth. Because it’s a liquid, it can reach the places you can’t get to with your toothbrush. Especially if you don’t have time to floss that day, mouthwash can be a great tool for keeping your teeth strong and healthy.


Floss is another critical tool that you need to keep your teeth clean. Most cavities occur because of food debris in between the teeth, where the toothbrush can’t reach. This is why floss is so helpful. Floss goes in between the teeth to get that hard-to-reach food debris and gets rid of it before it becomes a cavity. To have the best dental health possible, it’s important to floss once per day. This will allow you to keep your teeth in the best shape possible. If you don’t floss, you run a higher risk of developing cavities and other issues.

Your dental health is one of the most important aspects of your overall health. If your teeth and gums become unhealthy, infections can spread to the rest of your body and cause serious issues. These three tools will do the best job of keeping your teeth and gums healthy.

Did you enjoy reading this article? Here’s more to read. What to Do After You Get Your Teeth Whitened