10. Learn New Languages
Studying a new language is never simple, but it is so fulfilling when you can understand what people around you are talking about while traveling! Most people appreciate individuals who are multi-lingual, so you too can become proficient in a couple of foreign languages.
Life is so short and tomorrow is not promised to anyone. It is important to live for the moment.
Just browsing. Interesting ideas though.
Wowza, problem solved like it never hadnpeep.
Thanks, I am too old to keep it up, (a pun). I have many more great articles on the subject which I hesitate to post because no one donates to thecause. I am broke, living in one room in a far off land because I cannot afford to live any longer in the USA. I am also a disabled veteran who getsnone of what I see other Vets getting. Donate.
This is definetley on my bucket list is to travel,find a new career too
Just be careful
You have more useful info than the British had colonies prWWI-eI.
Sky diving
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon topeodr.
Ok Petey I might not wanna know the ans too this but Imma go ahead and ask…Ahh what up wit the teef references I went lookin for and didnt find?
Hey, that’s a clever way of thiinkng about it.
Live and let die.
I absolutly love these ideas!
This ini’thgss just the way to kick life into this debate.
Good to find an expert who knows what he’s tailkng about!
That’s the pefecrt insight in a thread like this.
Właśnie tacy ludzie jak Ty albo inaczej ludzie którzy mówią i myślą jak Ty doprowadzili do tego, iż nie ma żadnego poszanowania dla drugiej osoby a egoizm jest najgorszą a zarazem najczęściej obecną cechą charakteru. Twój komentarz świadczy o tym że dla Ciebie liczy się tylko kasa i całkiem możliwe że dla niej sprzedałbyś każdego bez wyjątku.