
Instructions to Leave Your Loved Ones in the Event of Your Death

Photo of elderly man reading book and his private nurse

Planning ahead for your passing can be a dim concept. However, leaving your loved ones with instructions for what to do after your passing can make a big difference in their ability to handle the transition. These are a few of the instructions you should leave to your loved ones in the event of your death. 

How to Distribute Your Assets

The first piece of information that your loved ones will need to know after you pass away is how to distribute your assets. You’ve likely collected a lot of things during your life, and there is a legal process that goes into distributing all of it among your heirs. Without a will, this process can get complicated. However, if you take the time to draft up a will before passing away, you can rest easy knowing that your loved ones are taken care of. To begin the process of drafting your will, find a local lawyer who specializes in estate planning. They’ll be able to walk you through the process, correct any mistakes, and so on. Then, draft your will with them. After your will has been created, your lawyer will keep a copy of it until after you pass away. If you need to change your will at any point, be sure to do so through your lawyer.

Planning Services

Planning and hosting a memorial service after a loved one passes away can be emotionally difficult. If you leave your loved ones with instructions on what they should do for your services, you’ll be able to lift some of that burden before you leave. You can dictate what type of service you want to have, as well as what you want to be done with your remains. A memorial service is usually simpler because the casket is not present. You can decide if you’d like to be buried or cremated, or if you’d like to have your body donated to science. Letting your loved ones know these details in advance will allow them to fulfill any final wishes, as well as give them an easier time planning the services.

Any Final Wishes

Lastly, before you pass away, you should let your family and friends know about any final wishes you may have. These can be both things you want to do while you’re still alive, and things you’d like to happen after your passing. If you know you’re going to be passing soon, you can ask all of your family to be with you in the end. After you pass, you can ask your family to donate to a charity you care about, or honor your memory in other ways. Final wishes have been known to bring families closer together and ensure that you leave behind loving bonds after passing away.


When you’re nearing the end of your life, there are a lot of things you need to take into consideration. Planning ahead for your passing can help ease your loved ones through the transition. These are a few of the instructions you should leave your loved ones before passing away.

Check out this article on how to leave your loved ones in a secure place after your death!