8. Endor Battle Set
The beginning of the Jedi stories may be the preferred movies of the series, but the other movies are also great classics. This is a new set too, albeit a bit expensive, but it is completely worth it. It comes with its own AT-ST, a couple of Scout Troopers on their motorbikes, an Ewok launch and glider and a lot more
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This is awesome as it looks real
I guess finding useful, reliable inritmafoon on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.
Smcda-kab what I was looking for-ty!
Este geniozinho tão dotado e especial(prof em univ Canada,livros c altas teorias económicas,etc…) para resolver o problema da economia portuguesa,tira 4 feriados,e franchisa o pastel de nata….até o jaquim pastor d aldeia d minha avó fazia melhor!…Ridiculo e patético!