10. Calamari Cruiser
This is one of the newer sets, so you can buy it from all stores. This set should be in any true fan’s collection just so he could reproduce Star Wars’ famous scenes over and over again. It has the link to Ackbar’s device, along with the holographic design of the Death Star and one A-Wing soldier. Let’s not forget about Mon Mothma.
Buy on Amazon
This is awesome as it looks real
I guess finding useful, reliable inritmafoon on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.
Smcda-kab what I was looking for-ty!
Este geniozinho tão dotado e especial(prof em univ Canada,livros c altas teorias económicas,etc…) para resolver o problema da economia portuguesa,tira 4 feriados,e franchisa o pastel de nata….até o jaquim pastor d aldeia d minha avó fazia melhor!…Ridiculo e patético!